Focusing on the Basics Can Help You to Run Meetings That Work
The meetings that shape our professional lives typically bring people together for some kind of collaborative work process. They are important because they provide an opportunity for various players to ask questions, to brainstorm, and to share expertise and perspective. They keep projects moving forward and they also provide a forum where people can raise problems, discuss issues and clarify misunderstandings.

Good meetings can promote teamwork, energize participants and shape the culture and value of an organization. And strong executives often understand that the meetings they run are among their most powerful management tools.

If you’re interested in sharpening the meetings that you chair, consider these suggestions:

  • What’s the point? Before you send out the invitations, be clear in your own mind about your goals in calling the meeting.

  • Shape it up. Even informal meetings need to have a structure, including at least:
    • An opening, in which you, the leader, state the purpose and the desired outcome,
    • A middle, in which discussion moves each agenda item at least a baby step forward, and
    • A closing, when you sum up the conclusions, action items and assignments, and perhaps allow some discussion of additional next steps.

  • Set it up. For a successful meeting, you may have to be aggressive about informing and reminding participants of the details. Even if it’s a regular meeting and everybody should know the drill, specify the date, day, time and place, and remind invitees at least once again at the last minute. If you’re using email for invitations or reminders, put the details in the subject line.

  • Have an agenda. A written list of discussion items is usually helpful in keeping the meeting on target. If the meeting involves complex issues or requires some preparation, send out the agenda in advance. You can structure participation by not only delegating agenda items but also suggesting time limits for each item.

  • Warm it up. There’s a legitimate social component to many meetings, and you may better achieve your goals if all the participants feel engaged and comfortable about offering comments. You can address some social needs and set a warm tone for the event by devoting the first five or ten minutes to a warm-up phase, in which everyone is invited to offer information, suggestions or concerns. This can be as simple as brief introductions, or include one-minute answers to a question like: “What is your most important current project?”

  • Be on time. Invitees will behave more responsibly if they know that your meetings both start and end on schedule.

  • Listen. The leader’s demeanor sets the tone. Treat all participants with courtesy, give speakers your full attention and don’t work on other projects while the meeting is going on. If you’re having trouble staying focused, try writing notes of the proceedings.

  • Take notes. Every meeting needs to have somebody designated to keep a record, at least of key conclusions and assignments.

  • Say thanks. Show that you genuinely appreciate participation, and thank people for their contributions. Thank everybody at the close of the meeting.

  • Follow it up. After the meeting, see that both participants and invitees who couldn’t attend get a copy of the notes. Be sure that assignees have everything they need and are actually moving forward. If nothing seems to come of your meetings, people will lose interest and stop taking them seriously.

  • Set the rules. Regular meetings will flow more smoothly if everybody understands the ground rules, addressing matters like:
    • Attendance,
    • Promptness,
    • Participation,
    • Cell phones or other interruptions, and
    • Confidentiality.

  • Shake it up. If you chair a regular meeting, look for ways to vary the routine. If you change the pattern, new people may speak up, new ideas may emerge, and the discussion won’t feel so stale. Consider:
    • Special refreshments.
    • A change of venue, ranging from a festive or informal setting for special times, to site visits that allow participants to focus on specific issues.
    • Outside speakers, including experts invited to share special knowledge, or consultants asked to express messages that you can't or don't want to deliver.